We know that setting out on your journey in repairing your credit can be extremely intimidating. There is a lot of misinformation out there, supposed super quick fixes, and shady people put there. Credit challenges need to be addressed with YOU and your goals in mind! Not the business's bottom dollar! Being the only one responsible for repairing your credit can be extremely overwhelming but the good news is, YOU CAN DO THIS.
Our service is like no other out there.
It's that simple.
Everything we offer is based on a preferred credit monitoring service that is priced at $34.95 a month. There is no long term contract and you are free to cancel any time.
Using this particular service allows the other multiple systems we have to read and analyze your report fully. This in turn allows us to develop a custom action plan based on your report health and any necessary dispute letters you may want to send regarding the items you see on your report. You will also be walked through a process of determining if you have any FCRA, FDCPA, or TCPA rights being violated, and any next steps if they are.
What's included when you use our preferred credit monitoring?
* Custom Plan of Action:
Your custom plan of action is going to walk you through step by step, strategies to deal with your current debt, the best credit building tools, problem specific disputes, and even help identifying if your FCRA or FDCPA rights are actually being violated; all while being in an easy to read format so you can walk through your credit repair journey like a pro.
* Any Necessary Dispute Letters:
If you feel like disputing is your best course of action, then you will have custom letters prepared and sent to you for mailing.
* FCRA / FDCPA / TCPA Violations Review:
This review is designed to look for the most common violations found on credit reports, in debt collection letters, and in the phone calls you may be receiving from the creditors and debt collectors.
* Continued Credit Education and Resources:
This part of your journey will have everything from credit pitfalls and scams to watch out for, where to find information when you need it, and what to do when things aren’t going as planned.
Credit Building Tools: Sometimes building credit is a big part of your journey and we will offer you the best tools out there to support you in your journey.
You will never be in a one size fits all category! Your needs and goals are just as unique as your fingerprint and your plan of action will be tailored each month to fit you based on the data imported into the analyzer.
Ready to get started?
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